1 2 aim


Demonstrating honesty and ethical conduct in all security operations and interactions, prioritizing trustworthiness and transparency with clients and employees.


Striving for the highest standards of professionalism, training, and service quality to ensure the safety and satisfaction of clients.


Committing to a steadfast and unwavering dedication to safeguarding clients' assets and interests, with a track record of dependability in all security endeavors.

Our Services

Executive Protection

Our comprehensive service ensures safety and peace of mind through expertly trained personnel, threat assessment, and discreet security measures tailored specifically for the needs of a high-profile individual or executive.

Access Control and Surveillance

Elevate your security with our Access Control and Surveillance solutions, that will provide you with the latest cutting-edge technology and monitoring capabilities to safeguard your premises and assets

Security Consulting

Our Security Consulting services deliver expert insights and tailored strategies to assess and enhance your level of security, ensuring proactive risk management and peace of mind for you and your organization.

Background Checks & Investigations

We offer thorough and confidential inquiries, empowering you to make informed decisions and maintain trust in your professional and personal relationships.

Risk Assessment & Management

We will discover & mitigate potential threats by identifying vulnerabilities and implementing proactive risk mitigation strategies whether it's in a corporate or event setting.

Specialized Security Services

We offer a wide range of specialized services across different environments, including maritime, aviation, and critical infrastructure protection, designed to meet your unique security needs.

Our management

Hiroshi Tanaka

Chief of Operations (el Jefe)

Olivia Mitchell

Director of Strategic Intelligence & Client Relations

Ethan Reynolds

Security Operations & Training Manager

Contact Us

Your Shield in an Uncertain World